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Contact Lens

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Did you know the weather can affect the wearability of your contact lenses? Follow these simple steps to help preserve the quality of your lenses.

Keep the Sweat at Bay
We live in Fresno, CA. In other words, sweating is our second language – especially during the heat swells they call summers here. While sweat is healthy, getting sweat in your eyes (and contact lenses) can cause issues. What’s a quick fix for this? Wearing an absorbent headband to keep the sweat out of your eyes. If that’s not your style, consider keeping a towel on hand to dab your forehead when you’re working up a sweat.

Goggle Up
As you enjoy your summer water activities, don’t forget to gear up before you take the plunge. Wearing goggles while swimming with contacts can prevent eye irritation and infection.

When the weather turns cold, you’re not quite off the hook. Keep these tips in mind as the seasons change.

Have Eyedrops on Hand
As record-breaking temps subside (thank GOODNESS!) humidity decreases, leaving the air – and your eyes – dry. Artificial tears are a pocket-sized solution to keep your baby blues, greens, browns, or hazels hydrated when used up to four times a day.

Stay Hydrated
Speaking of hydration, it’s time to hit the *water* bottle. Keeping yourself hydrated creates more dryness-fighting tears.

Avoid Direct Heat
It’s getting hot in here, so turn on your humidifier! Cranking your heater can dry out your eyes and cause irritation. If you‘re from the Central Valley, 60 degrees might feel like 30 below. So, if you INSIST on blasting the heater in your car or at home, try to avoid direct and close contact. Adding a humidifier to the mix is also a bonus.