Before Surgery Instructions

  • Pre-Operative Eye Drop Medications: Please refer to the instructions you received from your surgeon.
  • Do not eat or drink anything including water, mints or gum after midnight or 8 hours prior to your scheduled arrival time.
  • You will be advised if you are to take any of your medication the day of your surgery.
  • If you experience any health changes between your most recent visit to your surgeon and the day of surgery, please notify your surgeon. Please report even minor changes, such as an elevated temperature, cough or cold.
  • If you suspect you are pregnant please notify your surgeon. Anesthesia & medications may be harmful to the developing fetus.
  • Leave your jewelry and other valuables at home.
  • You will not need to fully undress, unless you are undergoing general anesthesia. Wear a loose short sleeve shirt and loose fitting pants, such as sweatpants, and comfortable shoes. Please do not wear hair pins, make-up or facial moisturizer.
  • Arrange for an adult to be at the surgery center during surgery and to drive you home. Your ride MUST remain at the center. You should also arrange to have someone stay with you for the first 3 hours after surgery.
  • Limit the number of people who accompany you to the center. To maximize the comfort of all visitors, we suggest that adult patients be accompanied by only one person. However, we do welcome both parents of the pediatric patient.
  • If your child is having surgery, feel free to bring their favorite stuffed animal or security blanket for added reassurance.
  • 5-7 days prior to surgery, a nurse from the surgery center will call you and verify your medical history and give you pre-operative instructions. If you have not received this phone call one week prior to surgery, please call the surgery center at 256-8467 between 7:00am & 3:00pm.

After Surgery Instructions

  • You may not drive yourself home after surgery. A family member or friend must drive you home.
  • Eat a light diet for the first 24 hours after surgery.
  • It is advisable that you have a responsible adult with you for at least 3 hours after sedation and 24 hours after general anesthesia.
  • Follow any specific home care instructions you receive after your surgery.
  • The medical staff will discharge you when they are assured you are in stable condition. However, you could still feel sleepy, slightly dizzy, or nauseated. These are possible and normal side effects of anesthesia and can last for 12-24 hours.
  • Wait at least 12 hours after you arrive home to: Drive, operate any equipment, sign any important documents, drink an alcoholic beverage, take any medicine not prescribed or acknowledged by your surgeon.
  • If any problems occur after you arrive home you can call our office 24 hours a day at 486-2000 for assistance.

Everyone was so nice and helpful. Special thanks to the male nurse – he is very nice and talking with him made me relax. Thanks.