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A stye, also known as a hordeolum, is an infection in the eyelid that causes a tender, red bump near the edge of the eye, often uncomfortable and quite literally, an eye sore. The infection is caused by clogged oil glands or bacteria, and they can occur externally at the base of the eyelash, or internally in one of the glands within the eyelid.

You will usually only get a stye on one eye at a time, but they can occur on both eyes, particularly if you don’t treat the first stye. Styes are usually a one-off thing, and once you treat a stye, it won’t come back, but occasionally they can reoccur. Fortunately, there are several home remedies that may help you get rid of a stye fast, or at least reduce some of the discomfort and swelling that often accompany a stye.

Before attempting any home remedies, you want to make sure your hands are clean before and after touching the stye. By applying mild heat with a warm compress, such as a tea bag or washcloth, for 10 to 15 minutes, three or four times a day, you can speed up the healing process. Other options include massaging the area, temporarily stopping use of eye makeup, and keeping your eyelids clean.

Whatever you do, don’t get anxious and try to pop a stye! The warmth from a warm compress will often allow it to open, drain and heal on its own without causing trauma to the eyelid or spreading the infection. If these remedies don’t do the trick, or your stye gets worse, call your eye doctor. You may need prescription antibiotics, or in severe cases, have the stye drained surgically.