Corneal Abrasion
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A corneal abrasion is a scratch on the eye, which is a very common eye injury. A scratch to the eye will interfere with the outer layer of cells that protect the eye from infections, so it’s important to see an eye doctor if you think you may have scratched your eye.
Many things can cause a corneal abrasion like makeup brushes, tree branches, paper, debris, sports equipment, dry eye and more. Dry eye, specifically, can cause abrasions when waking up because when the eye is opening the lid can stick to the cornea and separate the outer layers of the cornea, causing an abrasion.
If you feel something is in your eye, don’t rub it as it may make the scratch worse. Try flushing it out with artificial tears, if this doesn’t work and you still feel an itchy sensation or the eye becomes red and swollen, then seek medical attention.
Treatments include lubricating eye drops, antibiotic ointment, or bandage contact lenses. Be sure to follow up with an optometrist as corneal abrasions left untreated can turn into a corneal infection. Minimize the risk of corneal abrasions by wearing clean contact lenses, wearing safety goggles or eyewear in the workplace, and while playing sports or working outside.