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12 Signs Your Child May Need Glasses

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Childhood vision problems can be hard to detect; it’s not likely that your child will tell you they’re having problems because they more than likely don’t realize something is wrong. The signs aren’t always clear-cut. A child’s eyesight has a major impact on every aspect of their life. Treatment can be as simple as a pair of prescription glasses. But if vision problems are left undiagnosed or untreated, they can have lasting effects on a child’s eye health, schooling and confidence.

These subtle signs may suggest vision problems in children:

  1. They tend to close one eye during activities like reading or watching TV
  2. They avoid activities that require near vision (reading, homework, computer use) or distance vision (sports, other recreational activities)
  3. They tell you that their eyes are tired or they have a headache
  4. They rub their eyes a lot
  5. They seem sensitive to light
  6. Their eyes tear up for no apparent reason
  7. They hold books unusually close to their face
  8. They use their finger to guide their eyes along the page
  9. They sit very close to TVs or computer screens
  10. They squint or tilt their head to see better

If your child shows any of these signs, visit your eye doctor to discover whether an eye problem is the underlying cause. Read more at