News & Events

Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month

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November is Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month, which aims to increase awareness about eye diseases that can be caused by diabetes. Did you know that people with diabetes are at higher risk for blindness and vision loss than those without diabetes? Diabetes can affect your eyes in multiple ways, from blurred vision to diabetic retinopathy. […]

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4 Times You Should Be Protecting Your Eyes

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Did you know that experts have reported that more than 90% of all eye injuries could have been prevented by wearing goggles or simply taking more precaution? Don’t fall victim to avoidable eye injuries. Here are some examples of times and circumstances that warrant some extra eye protection. Doing Yard Work Particularly when mowing the […]

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Staff Spotlight: Joe Booth

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Joe Booth tackles and conquers the Everesting Challenge We love our employees and we think they’re pretty incredible. Each day they come into work and share their love of vision care with our patients. But our employees aren’t just amazing when they’re in the office—they’re driven and dedicated to some hefty personal goals as well. […]

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Halloween Contact Lenses Are Causing Scary Problems

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You may want to rethink your use of costume contact lenses after knowing the potential damage to your eyes.   We all want to win the costume contest, but don’t let your eyes suffer the potential consequences related to decorative non-prescription contact lenses. This popular trend is one that looks cool on Instagram but could […]

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5 Ways to Convince Your Child Their Glasses are Awesome

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Wearing glasses can play a key role in your child’s success at school. Can’t get your kid to rock their specs? Here are five ways to help.   1. Be excited! If you suspect your child may need glasses in the future, maybe because a doctor has hinted at it or because needing glasses runs […]

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