Much like a fingerprint, every eye is unique. When it comes to cataract surgery, what is effective for one patient may not be for another. That is why EYE-Q offers all types of intraocular lenses to fit your specific eye shape and to help us deliver the results you expect.

Technology advances at a rapid pace, and intraocular lenses are no exception. Thirty years ago, if you had a cataract removed you had to wear huge, coke-bottle glasses afterwards. Ten years ago, the cataract was replaced with a lens implant which provided patients with a single-vision focus point. Today, the lens implants offered provide full-range vision and astigmatism correction, enabling you to see much like you did at age 45.

When you visit EYE-Q, you’ll be offered three choices of lens implants, and your surgeon will help you decide what’s best:

Multifocal Lens Implants

Mutlifocal IOLs are advanced lenses that provide the fullest range of vision, most similar to your natural vision. A multifocal IOL can reduce or eliminate the need for glasses after surgery.

As we look at the world around us, the items we focus on can change rapidly. You could be looking across the room one moment, shifting to the television at an intermediate distance the next, and glancing down at a magazine after that. In the past, bifocals, reading glasses, or contact lenses were necessary to help those with poor eyesight switch focus on these different viewpoints effectively. Thanks to multifocal IOLs, you can quickly focus on all of these distances with enhanced image quality and clarity – once again making your vision effortless!

Toric Lens Implants

The toric IOL is especially designed for patients with astigmatism who need cataract surgery. This advanced innovation offers precise vision correction designed to reduce or eliminate your pre-existing corneal astigmatism while providing you with enhanced distance vision.

The toric IOL corrects two eye conditions – cataracts and astigmatism – through one simple procedure. It is the most accurate method of correcting astigmatism and ensures that any glasses needed afterwards for close work can be corrected with inexpensive readers.

Monofocal Lens Implants

Monofocal lenses have been used for the past 20+ years to allow cataract sufferers to see well after surgery. These lenses provide a set focal point to see clearly at a single range. Most people who choose monofocal lenses have them set for distance-vision activities, such as driving or watching television, and use reading glasses for closer activities, such as reading or sewing.

Some people who have surgery on both eyes choose monovision, which involves setting one eye for distance and the other for near vision. This “best of both worlds” approach can give you a full range of vision reducing the need for glasses or contact lenses.

EYE-Q gives me back part of my life that I was afraid I would not have. It’s absolutely marvelous. I understand what the ‘Q’ in EYE-Q means now – it means quality.

Joseph Jensen on his cataract surgery performed by Dr. Richard Moors