News & Events

Color Blindness

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Did you know color blind people are actually not blind at all? Rather color blindness is a deficiency in the way a person sees color, particularly colors such as blue and yellow or red and green. Most people who are considered color blind can see colors, but certain colors appear washed out and are easily confused with other colors, depending on the type of color vision deficiency they have.

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Puffy Eyes

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Puffy under eyes or “bags” are mostly genetic. Yes, you can blame your parents! There are some specific medical conditions such as thyroid eye disease or seasonal allergies that can produce swelling around the eyes, but most of the time it is just the way you are built. So, what can you do about your “bags”?

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Computer Glasses

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Whether you work from home, work from an office, do schoolwork online, or simply often scroll through your mobile devices, you’re likely exposed to the effects of digital eye strain, or computer vision syndrome. People often experience headaches, blurry vision, dry or red eyes, double vision and eye twitching as a result of digital eye strain. Our eyes aren’t made for staring at near objects, like computer glowing screens, for long periods of time. When we do, this causes strain and fatigue of the ciliary muscle inside the eye that controls the shape of lens and the focusing power of the eye. It also tires the extraocular muscles surrounding our eyes that control eye position and alignment. The tiring of these muscles leads to discomfort and visual symptoms.

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Contact Lens Care

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Millions of people wear contacts every day and may not be aware of the special care they require. Contacts need to be properly cleaned and stored in order to avoid serious eye infections. There are many options for cleansing systems. The choice depends on the type of lens you use, if you have allergies or if your eyes tend to form protein deposits. Ask your eye doctor what kind of cleaning solutions you should use. Always be sure to follow your eye care provider’s instructions exactly. For general care and cleaning tips, check out the recommended steps below.

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NEW LuxOR® Revalia™ Ophthalmic Microscopes

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Considering a cataract restorative procedure? Feel comfortable and secure in your decision. Our surgeons use the LuxOR® Revalia Ophthalmic Microscope, a new collaborative solution for every phase of cataract procedures. This new microscope is designed to optimize both anterior and posterior procedures by providing the best visualization for every type of ophthalmic surgery.

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